Mathematics Department

The current class offerings at GHEC include:
9th/10th Grade:
Geometry - year long course
11th/12th Grade:
Personal Finance - 1st Semester
Probability & Statistics - 2nd Semester
MATH 112: Concurrent Enrollment Course through MSU-Mankato - 1st Semester
Students must successfully complete 3 credits in the areas of Mathematics during grades 9-12. Geometry & Algebra II are required courses. 4 years of Mathematics is recommended for students attending a 4 year college.
Algebra II
Students will review the basic skills learned in Algebra 1 while at the same time going into greater depth. Quadratic functions are studied in depth. Other polynomial functions, radicals, exponential growth and decay, and basic trigonometric functions are also studied. A graphing calculator is used throughout the course. A TI-83+ or higher is required. Algebra 2 is a graduation requirement. Prerequisite: Algebra I & Geometry
Probability & Statistics
This is a one semester course that shows the link between statistics and our world. Examine averages, sampling of data, normal distributions, regression and probability. Overcome your fear of statistics, learn how to analyze statistics you see or hear and learn how businesses use statistics to increase their success. A graphing calculator is required.Prerequisite: Algebra I & II, Geometry
Students will learn an appreciation of various shapes in our world. They will also learn to reason deductively throughout the course and apply this reasoning process to real life situations. See how Geometry fits into other courses of mathematics. The integration of Algebra along with the use of coordinates and transformations is presented in 2 dimensions. The idea of proof is built up slowly throughout the course. Geometry is a graduation requirement. Prerequisite: Algebra I